Masseter Hypertrophy

Masseter Hypertrophy

Masseter Hypertrophy

Botox injections, often associated with cosmetic enhancements, have found a new purpose in the treatment of Bruxism—a condition characterised by excessive teeth grinding or clenching.

Bruxism, if left unaddressed, can lead to jaw problems, persistent headaches, and the erosion of tooth enamel. Many individuals who suffer from nocturnal bruxism are unaware of their teeth-grinding habits unless alerted by a concerned partner.

Bruxism primarily involves two sets of muscles responsible for jaw movement, both of which can become overactive, leading to unconscious clenching of the jaw. The treatment for Bruxism employs Botox injections to alleviate pain by relaxing these overactive jaw muscles.

While Botox in the treatment of Bruxism is relatively new, it has shown promising results in addressing this condition. By targeting the root cause—the overactive muscles—Botox injections offer relief and help prevent further damage.

Ready to break free from the discomfort of Bruxism?
Book a consultation with us today to explore how Botox injections can provide you with the relief and renewed jaw comfort you deserve. Your journey to a healthier smile begins here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following Bruxism treatment, the patient can resume normal activities immediately, including the application of cosmetics.

You are advised to return in 2 – 3 weeks for a review when you may need to top-up.  No top-up advised after this till next treatment due to the increased risk of antibody development.  Effect of treatment is expected to last for 3 – 5 months but in general variable.

Air travel must not be undertaken for three days following treatment.

