Chemical Peel

Chemical Peel

Skin is the largest organ of your body. Unlike the heart or lungs, the skin is the only organ which is constantly exposed to the elements of the outside world. Over the years, exposure to the sun, wind and other factors can take a toll on your skin. Many facial peel treatment options are designed to accelerate the removal of old dead cells at the surface of the skin, bringing forth the softer, smoother skin below.

A chemical peel is a treatment in which an acid solution is used to remove the damaged outer layers of your skin. There are several types of chemical peel, each using different chemicals and fruit acids. Basically, chemical peels are divided into three types: Light, Medium-depth, and Deep. The type of peel depends on the strength of the chemical used, and on how deeply it penetrates.

Light Chemical Peels

These are used for fine wrinkles, sun damage, acne and rosacea. The solution used for light chemical peels is usually comprised of alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs), such as glycolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid, or fruit acids. Light chemical peels are ideal for people who want the benefits of a facial peel but do not wish to spend the time required to recover from a deeper peel because these mild peels require virtually no recovery time. The skin may be mildly irritated after the treatment but patients can return to their daily activities immediately after treatment. The new layer of skin appears 3 – 5 days after treatment.

Medium-depth Chemical Peel

It is used for more obvious wrinkles, superficial blemishes, pigmentation and sun damage, as well as for precancerous lesions like actinic keratoses.  The chemical used for medium depth peels  is TCA (Trichloroacetic acid) Peel. TCA peels are safe and very effective. These peels are the preferred choice for patients with darker skin complexions. Similar to the light chemical peel, medium chemical peels also require less downtime and less risk than a deeper peel. The new layer of skin appears 3 – 7 days after treatment. About two weeks after treatment, the skin will be fully healed.

Deep Chemical Peels

They are used to treat the most severe wrinkling, sun damage and even to treat pre-cancerous growths. The chemical used for deep chemical peels is Phenol. These peels are the strongest chemical peels. Phenol acid is typically used only for facial peels. It generally goes deeper and hence carries more risk than the TCA peel. Phenol peels tend to be more intense, and have a longer recovery, but can have more impressive results in a single treatment.  The new layer of skin begins to appear 7 – 10 days after treatment. About two months or more after treatment, the skin will be fully healed. Its recovery period is lengthy and uncomfortable compared to medium and light chemical peels but patients can resume his/her outside activities after a week.

Qualified doctors/nurses will discuss the procedure before any treatment, explaining any possible side effects.

Book your consultation with Aesthetic Beauty Centre today.

